Sitemap - 2022 - Human Language Technology

How to find and land a Machine Learning Engineer Internship during the Tech Recession

Thanksgiving appreciation email

NLP Project Series: Data Cleaning and Data Preparation in the real world

NLP Project Series: Finalizing the web scraper for the Substack newsletter understanding tool

NLP project series: Building an advanced Substack newsletter understanding tool

Large Language Models that Follow Instructions

Human Language Technology: Q4 Update and Thoughts on the Current Job Market


Building and Sharing NLP Apps Easily: Gradio Library

🎉 30% OFF Sale to Celebrate 1,000 subscribers

Building AI products using Large Language Models

Hands-on GPT-3 tutorial from playground to production

Getting a job as an NLP engineer: Resume, Resume, Resume

Getting a job as an NLP engineer: Building kick-ass portfolio of projects for your resume

Getting a job as an NLP engineer: Why and how you should find mentors

If you are reading on Gmail please read this

Getting job as an NLP engineer: Prerequisites

Stable Diffusion Extensions and Follow-Ups

Is it all Hype? The NLP Applications edition

Overview of Stable Diffusion: High-quality and open-source image synthesis from text

Parameter-efficient transfer learning for NLP

Building technology tools for every language in the world with Felix Laumann

How to win at the NLP game (Part 2)

40% OFF Sale to Celebrate 100 Subscribers

Building and Monetizing AI Micro-SaaS: Interview with Ramsri Golla

Quantitative Analytics and Data Science

How to win at the NLP game (Part 1)

Understanding what language tasks you are solving

So it begins!

Coming soon