I like how you’re going into the obstacles you’re facing and the long-term and short-term trade offs of the decisions you’re making.
Often when people write project walkthroughs they don’t go into the challenges they had to deal with. And for those who do, it’s more of a token gesture that leaves you up a creek without a paddle when you as a reader inevitably walk into issues trying to implement something similar.
The way you’re taking us through your obstacles and decisions, sharing your code, and, frankly, working on something much more difficult, is so much more useful.
Show how the process is typically done with all the roadblocks I encounter and how to go around them.
There is never a perfect solution, as we are constrained by time and resources we have. Learning how to take the best path forward with these constraints make you a great NLP practitioner (or software engineer in general)
Hope this series help people understand that.
Stay tuned for new post next week and glad to have you as a reader!
Another great post!
I’m really enjoying this series so far.
I like how you’re going into the obstacles you’re facing and the long-term and short-term trade offs of the decisions you’re making.
Often when people write project walkthroughs they don’t go into the challenges they had to deal with. And for those who do, it’s more of a token gesture that leaves you up a creek without a paddle when you as a reader inevitably walk into issues trying to implement something similar.
The way you’re taking us through your obstacles and decisions, sharing your code, and, frankly, working on something much more difficult, is so much more useful.
Thanks for this.
I can’t wait for your next post!
Exactly that was my intention
Show how the process is typically done with all the roadblocks I encounter and how to go around them.
There is never a perfect solution, as we are constrained by time and resources we have. Learning how to take the best path forward with these constraints make you a great NLP practitioner (or software engineer in general)
Hope this series help people understand that.
Stay tuned for new post next week and glad to have you as a reader!